I N N O V A T I O N………Biophilic Design is more than just introducing more plants, it’s about our human need for connection to all of nature.

Inside Ageing lists some design opportunities for bringing Biophilic Design into Retirement Living:

Indirect experiences of nature, e.g.

  • artistic representations of nature
  • artificial sky
  • virtual reality systems that mimic fish ponds
  • thermal and airflow variability
  • the presence of water
  • lighting that mimics morning through to night

Direct visual connection to nature as well as direct access.

  • Rooms that look out into well designed courtyards or gardens
  • Community and lounge rooms with direct garden access.


  • smells that remind you of the outdoors

Material connection to nature

  • Use of natural materials such as timber and earthy colours

Actual living plants

  • Create a tangible nature connection
  • They also help clean the air, many can eliminate over 95 per cent of toxins (refer NASA clean air study)

Does your project, retirement or otherwise tick any of these boxes?

The importance of Biophilic Design: fact or fiction?