Biophilic Design – more than just plants

I N N O V A T I O N.........Biophilic Design is more than just introducing more plants, it's about our human need for connection to all of nature. Inside Ageing lists some design opportunities for bringing Biophilic Design into Retirement Living: Indirect experiences...

Tour the Ultimate Dementia Friendly Garden

Our Dementia Garden for Dementia Australia (previously Alzheimer's Australia) at their North Ryde Dementia and Memory Community Centre has just finished construction this week.  Another success all round after our Dementia Garden in Port Macquarie last year, both...

How to Create a Dementia Friendly Garden

Alzheimers Australia has released tips for 'How to create a dementia-friendly garden'  based on our recent research and design in dementia sensitive gardens at both Port Macquarie and North Ryde. The design thinking is also reinforced by the findings of Dr Theresa...

Avalon Beach Youth Cultural Mapping Project

The Avalon Beach Cultural Mapping Project is focused on celebrating and documenting Avalon Beach’s rich cultural assets and at the same time providing a tool for future planning and development. This innovative project includes a Youth Mapping Project that provides...